The rare remnants of Jewish Settlement in Mala will attract any tourists of aesthetic
mind. In ancient period Mala
street was known after Jews and it was called
"Jews Street Mala". In 1948, when Israel was formed, the Jews left
this place and back to their mother land. There is currently no Jewish
community left in Mala.

is a difference of opinion among the sources as to when the Jews who had
settled in Mala first built a synagogue. The building was realized for an
active community of Jews who are remembered by the townspeople as productive
shop owners, small traders, or involved in agricultural work.

Other sources claim that the first Mala synagogue dates to a much later period,
to 1597, after Kerala Jews had been driven away from Cranganore by the
Portuguese in 1565. It is the 1597 date that the Jewish scholar and
historian David Solomon Sassoon wrote about in his study of the synagogues of India in the
early twentieth century (Sassoon: 1056). Irrespective of its date
of origin, this synagogue has been altered or partially rebuilt over time,
evident by an inscription in the wood carvings in Hebrew and Malayalam along
the balcony frieze, which confirms that the existing sanctuary building dates
in full or in part only to 1909. The gatehouse and breezeway appear to be
older, however, so it is possible that these two sections were not rebuilt at
this time but survive from an earlier period.
The former synagogue as it stands today is located at a prominent location in
the center of town at a busy intersection. In the immediate area, a hectic
place with a constant flow of vehicles, pedestrians, and animals, is a row of
small shops lining the street where an assortment of products and services are
sold. Running parallel to the façade of the now altered synagogue gatehouse, or
north-south, is the paved two-lane Trichur
Mala Road . The perpendicular major
thoroughfare that dead ends at the gatehouse leads eastward to the Jewish
cemetery a short drive away.
At one time, a great deal of real estate extending quite a distance from all
sides of the synagogue was Jewish owned. Since 1955, not a single Jew has
resided in town, and with this came the closing of the synagogue and sale of
all Jewish commercial and residential property.
On December 20, 1954, just before the Mala Jewish community of some three
hundred immigrated en masse to Israel
in early 1955, a formal agreement was signed by the trustees of Mala Synagogue
to turn over without financial benefit the ownership, use, and control of the
building to the local panchayat, or municipality. The
agreement stipulated that in the synagogue building would be cared for, and it
would not be used as house of prayer or slaughterhouse. Mala’s departing Jews
were the exception in that they had collectively arranged for their building to
be deeded over for use by the broader local community. This was in contrast to
other Kerala Jewish congregations, who had passed control of their synagogues
to other Kerala Jews or had left the building in the hands of the skeletal
community that had not made aliya (immigrated
to Israel ).
The decommissioned synagogue was converted to Mala village government offices,
and it was readapted as a venue for cultural, educational, and communal
The original entrance to the synagogue’s sanctuary building, on the latitudinal
(short) side of the building compound, faced Trichur Mala Road . Following the
formula of Kerala synagogues, at Mala a gatehouse was erected to the eastern
end of the synagogue property. It was through this two-story structure
bordering the main road in the heart of town that the formal entrance was
found. The gatehouse, which served as a foyer with communal spaces downstairs
and a Jewish school upstairs, linked to a covered yet exterior breezeway (now
filled in) that connected on axis to the sanctuary building proper. The
sanctuary featured the usual spaces for Kerala synagogues: an azara, or
anteroom, followed by the double height prayer space, or sanctuary.
Located roughly in the center of the room was the tebah (bimah), and at the far end of
the sanctuary on the west wall was the heckal (ark).
In the tradition of other synagogues of Kerala, a shallow wooden balcony,
reached by a steep corner stair, overlooks the double-height sanctuary and
features a second tebah. This space was adjacent to the
women’s seating area which was positioned behind a mechitza,
or screened partition wall and directly above the azara.
Before the synagogue was altered, doors led from the rear of the women’s area
to a narrow and long passageway with its ventilated and diffusely lit “walls”
made of struts with a latticework of interlinking laths – a form unique to
Kerala architecture. This space, above the breezeway on the ground floor,
provided a way into the synagogue for the women via a connecting stair at the
opposite end and also linked to the classrooms within the gatehouse’s upper
floor level.
keys to the former Mala Synagogue are in possession of the panchayat,
or municipality, and all visitors must stop at its building on the edge of town
to arrange access. The office staff is normally helpful in approving the visit
and locating the keys, and in most cases someone accompanies guests to the
synagogue. In recent years, the Mala Synagogue building has been
marginally at best maintained and rarely used.

To visit the interior of the former synagogue today, one needs to pass by
adjacent newer structures facing CMS Road (the side street) to the south (some
post-1955 buildings blocking the ex-synagogue altogether were removed in 2008),
walk around the west (short end) side of the synagogue before coming upon the
overgrown remaining walled courtyard to the north side that has for years been
used for drying black pepper, and ascend tacked-on exterior steps to
unceremoniously enter the building through the sanctuary (rather than through
the azara, the intended arrival point) via a make-shift
entrance. The synagogue’s tebah, heckal,
and all furnishings and fittings were removed years ago and are now lost,
although the balcony with its second tebah remains.
The platform seen near where the heckalwas located is a post-1955
In response to the growing interest among the public in Kerala’s Jewish history
and its still functioning and former synagogues, modest renovation and repair
work on the exterior of the synagogue has been scheduled to be carried out in
late 2010 by the municipality, and the area along the long elevation of the
building facing the street side is to be covered with pavers to improve site
Tags: Jewish Cemetry Mala, Jewish synagogue in Mala, Jewish community in mala.
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